Yen joined the ECE Department at HKUST as an assistant professor in the summer of 2022. He previously held research positions at Oxford University and Imperial College London and had worked as a senior R&D engineer in AU Optronics, Taiwan, before moving to the UK in 2010. Yen is a Materials Research Society (MRS) Graduate Student Gold Awardee [link] and a recipient of the Solid-State Physics Prize from Imperial College [link]. He is also a long-term academic visitor at Oxford Physics and currently serves on the editorial board of American Physical Society (APS) PRX Energy [link].

Yen’s group aims to pioneer efficient yet effective engineering approaches for intelligent yet sustainable electronic and optoelectronic applications with a unique focus on exploiting material intelligibility to pinpoint technological bottlenecks whilst generating microscopic insight at the molecular and quantum levels, offering technologically and economically sound solutions.